The Global College Head Quarter is located in Nkrumah Street, adjacent with Majembe Auction Mart as you move from the Clock Tower in Dar Es Salaam. The college has two campuses strategically located at Vijana Hostel in Kinondoni and Nkrumah Street adjacent with Majembe Auction Mart to be close to its targeted customers.
Courses provided by this college includes Business, Information Technology, Public & International Relations, Hotel & Tourism Management, Car Driving, Organization Management, Clearing & Forwarding, Secretarial, Nursery Teachers’ Courses,
TWO YEAR ADULT SECONDARY SCHOOL PROGRAM as well as Classes for Distance Learning & Online Students.
Vision, Mission and Objectives:
To be an excellent and most successful in training in East Africa and World at large by providing quality Training, Research and Consultancy services in various fields like Business, Hospitality, Teaching and other related fields by employing dedicated, honest and highly qualified staff.
To provide high quality Training, Research and Consultancy services in various fields such as Business, Hospitality, Teaching and other related disciplines to both Public and Private Sectors. The function shall be provided in cost effective manner so as to enable self-sustaining.
Providing high quality Training by increasing the number of graduates passing with upper second and above.
Increasing the number of graduates passing Professional Examinations.
Improving and Expanding Training programs so as to meet the challenges and demands of the current labour market.
Carrying out Research and Consultancy activities in order to contribute significantly to TGLB total budget and enrich Lecturers’ professional knowledge.
Maintaining adequate living environment by ensuring that physical facilities are in place so as to accommodate more students.
Developing & Motivating its employees.
Je! Unataka Kusoma Elimu ya Sekondari kwa Miaka Miwili?
(Do you want Secondary Education for Two Years Only?)
Kwa kupitia Global College, unaweza kusoma elimu ya sekondari kwa miaka
badala ya miaka MINNE. Chuo kina Waalimu waliobobea katika fani ya ualimu, wanaoelewa umuhimu wa elimu na walio na uwezo wa kumuwezesha mtu yeyote kufaulu mitihani yake bila muda ambao huyo mtu anaweza kuwa amekaa bila kusoma.
SABA TU! ndiyo yanayofundishwa. Masomo hayo ni Geography, History, English, Kiswahili, Civics, Biology na Basic Mathematics.
Kila mwanafunzi atawezeshwa kupata vielelezi muhimu(Teaching Notes) kwa kila somo ili kumuwezesha kufikia malengo aliyokusudia.
Masomo yanaanza January 2006, Unachotakiwa kufanya ni kujisajili ama kuwasiliana nasi katika ofisi zetu za Vijana na Nkrumah kwa ajili ya maelezo zaidi.
Join us, You shall never regret your Decision!!!
Global College Departments:
Admission and Registration Procedures:
All courses offered at TGLBC are open to both male and female students and local and foreign students. Applicants are required to prove to the management that they posses required qualification for course program sought.
Our Intakes:
TGLBC has main four intakes a year namely
January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th so as to accommodate the demand that is increasing day after a day in the labour market.
Selected students are required to report for studies not later than one month after the academic intake has begun. Students shall be allowed to join the College after they have provided to the management their Academic Documents and that foreigners should have also fulfilled Immigration formalities.
Application forms are available at all campuses namely Vijana Hostel – Kinondoni and Nkrumah Street – City Center, Dar Es Salaam and at the end of this Prospectus. Dully filled forms should be sent to
indicating clearly their names and postal address. Those in Dar Es Salaam may also submit them to any of our campuses.
Students who wish to stay at our hostels are required to make early reservations. Accommodation confirmation should be made before the new semester starts this is because we have limited accommodation, which, is provided on the basis of first come, first served.
Training Facilities
TGLBC Library:
The College has an independent entity library, which operates on membership basis. A student has to be an active member of the library so as to have access to it. For a students to be an active member s/he has to contribute the set amount, which is therefore his/her fee per one academic year.
The Library operates Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. It is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
TGLBC Computer Center:
This center is also an independent entity that is supervised by skilled instructors. The center has a good number of computers and it provides basic skills on Information Technology. Each student once is enrolled for a certain professional course is entitled to Information Technology programs free of charge.
Sports and Recreation:
The College enables students with indoor and outdoor games to make their body fit. There is a Gym for physical exercise too that is located at our Campus at Vijana Hostel – Kinondoni. The College also has a link with other training institutions through what called inter-college games that are conducted when the colleges concern set the time.
Student Organization:
Global College Students Organization (GLOCSO) is the official recognized
Organization representing all students at the College. GLOCSO exists in
Broad terms, to provide social, recreational and cultural activities, to
Coordinate and voice collective wishes of its members (students). The
Organization also negotiates with various authorities and promotes the
Educational welfare and interests of its members. The President who is
Elected amongst students heads the organization.
Regular Awards:
Students who complete and fulfill the requirements of the programme will be awarded either a Certificate or Diploma of TGLBC which has the ACCREDITATION OF THE VOCATION EDUCATION & TRAINING AOTHORITY
Classification of Academic Awards:
The final standing of a candidate will be determined by weighted average for all subjects taken.
The final award shall be graded as First Class, Upper Second Class, Lower Second Class and Pass
For each subject, the final examination shall be converted into a letter grade as shown below:
Marks |
Grade |
comments |
70%-100% |
A |
Excellent |
60%-69% |
B+ |
Ver Good |
50%-59% |
B |
Good |
40%-49% |
C |
Pass |
0%-39% |
Fail |
The letter grades will then be converted into dummy scores as follows:
A = 5
B+ = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
E = 0
The dummy scores for each candidate shall then be added up to get the cumulative average. That is, the number of subjects taken shall divide the total of the dummy scores. Then the candidate will be grouped into one of the following classes:
Class Comulative |
Average |
First Class |
A =(5.0 - 4.5) |
Upper Second |
B+ =(4.4 - 3.5) |
Lower Second |
B =(3.4 - 2.6) |
Pass |
C =(2.5 - 2.0) |
Global College Departments:
♦ Department of Education
♦ Department of Foreign Languages
♦ Department of Business Management & Administration
♦ Department of Higher Learning Studies
♦ Department of Information Technology
♦ Department of Secretarial Studies & Office Management
♦ Department of Hospitality Management
Online Students and Distance Learners!
♥ Do you want to be a Lawyer or a Public Administrator?
♥Have you registered yourself for distance learning programme or online studies at any University for a Degree program in Law or Public Aministration?
♥Are you looking for a place you can get lectures?
You are no longer alone, We are with you!
Come at The Global College!!
The recognized College that provides lectures for Distance Learners and Online Students!!!